Toucan SaaS mode


The front-end and the back-end are hosted in the Toucan cloud. The workflow could be described as follows:

At Toucan Toco, we take the data privacy of each of our customers and its governance very seriously. Our infrastructure is operated in France or USA, and managed by us. It is hosted in Tier III certified datacenters. You can find more details about the SaaS infrastructure in the dedicated page.

On top on our SaaS offer, we can enhance the separation between you and our other customers by setting up a dedicated stack for your needs. In this case, you'll have a dedicated public IP, a dedicated network in our infrastructure, along with a dedicated firewall, database and servers.


Main advantages of this approach:

  • we can start a new project in less than one hour

  • you don't need to worry about monitoring and backup

  • updates are transparent, frequent and automated

Last updated