Adding Glossary
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At Toucan, we believe in sharing more than data: we share stories. Stories need content and explanations.
Good stories push you to take action! That’s why we have the Collaboration Panel.
From this panel, you can make a Glossary available to all your users 📖 .
You can specify a glossary for your whole application. Terms can be specific to a story or common to several or all.
🔥 Awesome tool for strong data storytelling, right?
Terms can be set up at the story level directly from the Studio.
Click on the "Glossary" menu left-hand navigation from a Story.
Click on "Add New Definition"
Write the Term label and the definition related to it. Always better with a definition.
If you want this definition accessible throughout your apps from any Story, tick "Make entry available on all stories." It will appear in Staging with a greyed tickbox on the right side.
If you want to add a glossary in different languages: Please check the documentation about the languages 💡 You can apply translations in your terms title and their description.
Want a term’s definition on your home page? Why not use the text tile for it?