🔌Setting up an AWS Redshift Connector

This connector is used to connect to an AWS Redshift Data source.

Configuring the Redshift connector in Toucan

Fill connection parameters:

  • host

  • port

  • cluster_identifier

  • connect_timeout (Optional)

After this, you can choose an authentication method to connect to AWS Redshift:

  • Method db_credentials: You have to fill username and password used to establish the connection.

  • Method aws_credentials: You have to fill the access_key_id, secret_access_key, region and db_user fields. The session_token is optional. This approach allows users to use AWS credentials and limit the permissions the connected user has. The user should have the right permissions to access the redshift database. To find some examples of rights permissions, see this documentation and this one.

  • Method aws_profile: CAUTION: This authentication method can only work for now with the self-hosted mode. For more details about the profile: AWS CLI Profile, you must fill the db_user and profile fields. To find some examples of rights permissions, see this documentation and this one. Then click TEST CONNECTION and finally SAVE it.

Then click TEST CONNECTION and finally SAVE it.

After successfully configuring the connector, you will be able to find it in the Connector section of the DataHub "Datasource" tab

To have the graphical database exploration in your connector, you must promote access to the default dev database to your user. This database contains a table pg_database listing all available databases and the pg_table_def listing all available tables in the cluster's databases. Without this access to the dev database, you will face a warning error when testing the connection of your data provider.

Selecting data from Redshift

To create a dataset from Redshift, click on the "create from icon"; you will then be able to:

  • Select the Database

  • Select the Schema

  • Select Table or Views

  • Only keep the columns you need

For more info, see the dedicated section Creating datasets

After selecting data from your connector you will be able to create a dataset thanks to YouPrep using the selection as "source step".

Last updated