👥Managing user groups

As an app administrator at both the app store and application levels, you can learn how to add and modify user groups.

Choose who sees what

A user group is a group of users who share the same permissions and/or app access privileges. Think of it as a filter on data 🔐 that can also simplify the governance process by providing the same app access to all users in a group.

📝 “My users from the group France can only see France’s data and reports” 📝 “I want all users from the group France to have a view access to the Finance application”

The process consists of two steps:

  • Assign users and privileges to groups

  • Assign permissions to groups

User groups

As an admin, you can manage user groups from the Groups menu in the user interface at the platform level.

Create groups

You can create users from the Create groups at the top right side of your screen.


Groups can also be assigned during user creation or through bulk editing

Creating groups involves three steps :

  • General infos

  • Edit privileges

  • Notification settings

General infos

In this step, you need to :

  • Give your group a name

  • Select user(s) for your group


if users belong to multiple groups with different app access, the most permissive access for each app will be applied.

Admins will always keep their admin privilege if belonging to a group.

Edit privileges

In this step, you need to define, application by application, which access to give to users belonging to the group.


You can also choose not to apply privileges at the group level. Users will keep the app access defined individually (if they don't belong to a group with privileges). Just turn on the option at the bottom left.

Notification settings

If you choose to use privileges at the group level, you can choose how to notify users of their access 💌.

Edit groups

Once your group is created, you can update it directly from the menu. From the menu, you can change, on-the-fly, the group app access and notify users belonging to the group. You can also choose to remove privileges at the group level :

  • Users that had individual privileges before joining the group will be switched back to their individual access

  • Users that never had individual access will have no access by default, and you will need to update their access in the user menu

Edit one group

Selecting a group from the menu enables the editing toolbar. You can use this toolbar to:

  • Add/remove users to/from your group

  • Notify users of their access

  • Delete the selected group

Edit multiple groups

Selecting multiple groups from the menu enables the editing toolbar. You can use this toolbar to:

  • Add/remove/change privileges of users in the selected groups

  • Notify users of their access

  • Delete the selected groups


📖 Learn more about permissions with this documentation !

Last updated