💌Sharing content

Accessible by any user

On Toucan, you can share different content with anyone:

  • Home page

  • Stories

  • PDF reports


You can share with existing users or people not listed in the instance. They will receive the email based on the "Export template" you defined in the "Notifications" of the instance or the ones on the application itself.

  • Home & PDF reports: Click "Send home" in the left-hand navigation accessible from the Home. From the Home preview, click on the "Mail" icon.

  • Stories: from the left-hand nav, click on the story name you want to share, click on the "share" icon at the right of the story name, and select "Send by email." It will correspond to the current state of the story, with current filters' selections.

  • In the dialog, add the emails of the recipients. Tap the "Tab" or "Enter" keys between each email to separate the addresses.

Annotate and share

This option allows your user to annotate a screenshot of a chart (without the header giving some context about the current report/date) ✍️ and share it to any email address with a custom message ✉️.

Export data

This will allow your user to download the data from your viz, either to CSV or XSLX.

It will match the result of your current filters.

Users can get a link to a story that keeps filter selections intact. Recipients need to be connected to access it.

Hint In the Share menu from a Story when user has "contribute" privileges, you can generate an HTML code to embed the story into another web app. Learn more.

Last updated