Adding Assets

Access the asset interface through the settings icon on the top right of your app and then click on Customization.

Identity Assets

Some assets names are dedicated to a specific use and have a default value; they are the identity assets:

  • Home background: Home background image (2048x135 px)

  • App Store Thumbnail: Thumbnail image used in the app store. By default, it's the same as the home background (2048x135px)

  • Home Logo: Main brand icon used in the header (270x67px)

  • Menu Logo: Secondary brand icon used in the sidebar (152x152px)

  • Mobile Icon: iOS and Android icon (152x152px)

Following assets can be modified only if "white label" option is enabled on your platform

  • No Data Error: Used when a visualization failed to fetch data (270x67px)

  • PDF Report footer: Use in PDF Report's footer (270x67px)

  • Example: No Data

  • Example: PDF Report - Footer logo

Uploading your own assets

Simply drop the assets you want to use in the upload assets interface.

The name given to the asset corresponds to the filename without the extension.

You can update an asset by dropping a new file on an existing asset. The asset name will not change. If you want to change the asset name, you need to create a new one.

Only the following file formats are allowed:

  • .jpeg

  • .png

  • .gif

  • .pdf

Last updated