Creating, reusing and editing Filters

Creating a filter in Toucan is important to make a global and interactive point of view for your end-users. As they're global, once you create one, you can reuse it across different layouts.

To create a filter:

  1. Edit the Home or a Story

  2. Click on "Add a filter"

  3. Click on "Create a filter" in the dropdown

  4. Select the source dataset in the dataset selection modal

  5. (optional) Choose a filter type

  6. Select a column in the source dataset in the configuration panel

  7. Set a name for your filter

  8. Click on "Create"

Your filter should replace the placeholder you clicked in step 2.

Once your filter is created, you can't edit the column or the dataset used by the filter.

To reuse an existing filter:

  1. Edit the Home or a Story

  2. Click on "Add a filter"

  3. Select the filter you want to use

Your filter should replace the placeholder you clicked in step 2.

To edit a filter:

  1. Edit the Home or a Story

  2. Hover the filter

  3. Click on the "pen" icon

The filter configuration panel should open on the left.

To move a filter:

You're able to reorder your filters pinned into a layout.

  1. Edit the Home or a Story

  2. Hover the filter

  3. Click and hold the "drag&drop" icon

  4. Move the app filter where you want it to be

The filter has been moved.

Here's a quick overview of how to add existing filters of various types to a story.

Last updated