๐ŸŽ2023 Releases

December 25, 2023 - v118

New features ๐ŸŽ

Filters: can now be dependant!

You can now establish a connection between the values of one filter and the selection made in another filter. That is super useful for your end users to be able to select only the relevant filter values based on another dimension. For example, if you have a filter based on โ€œBrandsโ€ and another based on โ€œCountriesโ€, by linking โ€œCountriesโ€ to โ€œBrandsโ€ you would only see the Countries where the Brand is present.

To achieve this, you need to use the "Filter rows" step in YouPrep to filter the input dataset of the "child" filter. More information here.

Improvements ๐Ÿ†™

Chart edition

  • When selecting a chartโ€™s type, the search is now autofocused by default

  • Changing the chartโ€™s dataset (also relevant for tiles and HKPIs), the form is no longer reset. This improvement will even get better as โ€œa smart resetโ€ will be released soon ๐Ÿช„

Bug fixes ๐Ÿ›

Chart edition:

  • A column containing a null value in the first row of the dataset is not listed within the SmartEditor

  • Dataset columns were not listed due to the application of permissions (that shouldnโ€™t be applied in the edition context).

Charts: various fixes on Waterfall, bullet chart, and circular chart


  • Various fixes on checkboxes & sliders

  • Cannot use the default value when it is a number

App management:

  • Story duplication was broken

  • Story move within a chapter was broken

  • In an embedded app, the Send Home option doesnโ€™t work

  • The custom color series are reset when changing themes.

Dashboard: A dashboard containing a hierarchical filter cannot be downloaded.

Administration: can't add an admin user to a group.

December 11, 2023 - v117

This release is dedicated to quality improvement while we are working on exciting new features for 2024 ๐Ÿฅณ!

Bug fixes ๐Ÿ›

We fixed:

Filters: Can use default value with a number


  • Bubble charts (R metric and drill)

  • Linechart (manual events and color zones)

  • Waterfall: when clicking to drill, it changed bars' order

  • Can't save a crossfilter on HKPIs

App management

  • Impossible to link a tile to a story

  • Impossible to save a story with advanced units

Administration: Avoid potential vulnerabilities with version upgrades of our dependencies

Files management

  • Data is not displayed on the right sheet when having multiple data sheets

  • The file preview is loading indefinitely


  • Duplicate dashboard can't be modified

  • Display of table charts

November 27, 2023 - v116

New features ๐ŸŽ

Filters: Welcome to the "Slider" filter

This new filter is a valuable tool for users who need to filter data based on dates. It also features an autoplay option that enables powerful storytelling capabilities.

Improvements ๐Ÿ†™

  • Fast dataset selection: Save time when creating new charts! The chart configuration form now automatically preselects the last dataset you used.

  • Filterโ€™s additional variable with โ€œAllโ€ selection: You can now refer to a filter additional variable even if the actual filter selection is on โ€œAllโ€

  • YouPrep date column filtering: You can now refer to a variable when making a โ€œFilter rowsโ€ step on a date column

  • Datahub fast loading: Experience the revamped Datahub, which now loads up to 10 times faster, significantly improving your workflow efficiency

Bug fixes ๐Ÿ›


  • Minor bugs on funnelchart, mapchart, HKPI, and tile value

  • No data was displayed when editing the type of chart to a tablechart

Collaboration: Send Home was not working

Administration: Viewer or Validator canโ€™t create an embed tile but has access to the button


  • Possibility to use dates in a dropdown filter

  • Filters could disappear when linked to a story that was deleted

  • Impossible to use columns with space in it

Data: Unnecessary page loading required after data operations

November 13, 2023 - v115

New features ๐ŸŽ

  • Enhanced Visualization Creation: Enjoy a smoother, more interactive approach to crafting visual elements like charts, tiles, and filters.

    • Dataset Preview: When selecting a dataset for a visual element, you can now preview it to ensure you're using the right one.

    • Tabular Data View: Explore the data behind your charts with a tabular view of the chart's input dataset.

    • Effortless Dataset Editing: Experience seamless transitions when editing or creating datasets from charts. You'll be automatically redirected back to the visual you were configuring, eliminating the need for manual navigation.

    • Improved Consistency: Benefit from enhanced consistency between chart and filter creation, offering a more guided experience.

    • Modern Chart Configuration: We've updated the chart configuration panel to provide a sleeker and more contemporary user experience.

Filters need to be explicitly saved when created. Don't forget to hit the button "Save" for your Filters to work!

  • Duration format display: Now, you can showcase duration data (in seconds) with new formats including days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, using the Precision feature.

  • Filters: No more scopes! We used to have what we called "App Filters" and "Story Filters". But we see that segregation to misunderstanding and could block some use cases. We're now simply talking about "Filters" and we can still pin them inside a story, with a dedicated UI that will bring a better user experience!

Improvements ๐Ÿ†™

  • Hierarchical Filter: We added the option "Only last level" to allow you to force your end-users to select the final level of a hierarchy, preventing them from stopping at intermediate levels when filtering visualizations.

  • Event Emitter System (Embed SDK): You can listen to a new event: chart:drill. It will allow you to set up customized actions through the SDK whenever a user makes a drill within a chart!

  • Datahub loading: Enjoy significantly faster loading times for your Datahub!

  • Dataset save: Save datasets, even with errors, for future reference and editing

Bug fixes ๐Ÿ›

We fixed:

Charts: Various fixes on chart options that werenโ€™t possible to save (drill, groups, etc.)

Dashboard Builder: Need to refresh a Dashboard Builder after saving it

Embeds: Embedded items are associated with the incorrect application


  • Date Range displays its default value

  • Filters are not applying Preview mode context

Alerts: Impossible to attach a story to an alert

User administration

  • Inconsistent User Permission behavior when editing it

  • Admin couldnโ€™t create/update admin user

Workspace: Log out needs a refresh to be effective

October 30, 2023 - v114

New features ๐ŸŽ

Smart Editor: โ€œNo aggregationโ€ is now available!

While the Smart Editor simplifies data aggregation at the chart level, sometimes specific computations still require prior data preparation.

To make this process more explicit and avoid unintended changes to your dataset (such as changing your datasetโ€™s sorting), we've added a "no aggregation" operator. It keeps your input dataset untouched in your charts and KPIs.

Please note: Using this operator ensures that no further aggregations apply to secondary values (e.g. targets, additional values etc.).

Improvements ๐Ÿ†™

You can now change the display order of App Filters easily, without having to unpin et pin them again!

Bug fixes ๐Ÿ›

We fixed:


  • Impossible to select a column in the permission editor

  • Not consistent Waterfall step (YouPrep) results

  • Dataset refresh blocked by other refresh operations not running

  • Random blank screens on Datahub

Charts: Couldnโ€™t add an aggregation on the Bulletchartโ€™s tile comparison option

App management: Duplicate an app resulted in a broken staging

October 16, 2023 - v113

New features ๐ŸŽ

โš™๏ธ Introducing JWKS (JSON Web Key Sets) support โ€“ a powerful feature that enhances your control and security over embed tokens in Toucan.

With JWKS (JSON Web Key Sets), you can share multiple public keys with Toucan. This capability enables us to verify your embed tokens, which may be signed by various private keys on your end. This dynamic key rotation mechanism significantly bolsters the security of tokens that grant access to your Toucan analytics.

โš™๏ธ Google BigQuery Authentication: JWT Support

We're thrilled to announce the addition of JWT (JSON Web Token) support for authentication in our Google BigQuery connector. This new feature empowers you to securely send JWTs to Toucan, enabling seamless and personalized queries of your Google BigQuery data warehouse. Learn more in our Documentation.

Improvements ๐Ÿ†™

โš™๏ธWe've fine-tuned the token verification process to provide you with more insightful information: now, Embed Managerโ€™s check token not only returns the user context but also provides warnings if privileges are set for non-existing apps

Bug fixes ๐Ÿ›

We fixed:


  • Error when trying to preview a custom SQL query from Snowflake connector

  • Permissions on datasets not duplicated when duplicating an app

  • PostgreSQL error when querying a table for which the same name is used on 2 different schemas


  • Wrong label used on Bulletchart

  • Cross filter not taken into account when arriving in a story

  • Targets not saved on Leaderboards

  • Tileโ€™s source couldnโ€™t display the datasetโ€™s column through use of variables

  • Broken configuration of Mapcharts with zones

Filters: Date Range filterโ€™s โ€œCancelโ€ button closes its dropdown

User Management: In some cases, user rights were not given to the right application

Dashboard Builder: Overflowing preview of stories that could prevent from selecting it

Misc: Inconsistent font weight on Safari

Last updated

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