Create a Dashboard Builder

You can only access Dashboard Builders in the Studio. It's a layout to be embedded in your software.

You can access to your Dashboard Builder in the Studio Toolbar, in the tab "Dashboards".

You will arrive on a table that list all of your app's dashboards.

  • You can now begin to build your dreamed dashboard.

  • From the edition mode, you can select all tiles and stories that you have created in your App by clicking on grey squares. It will open a modal from where you can select your content.

Select a tile

Select a story

When a tile or a story, if an app filter is applied on it, it will be automatically inserted inside the Dashboard Builder.

Manage layout

You can easily resize or drag&drop your content in your dashboard.


  • Click on the bottom right "caret" icon to resize you content

Drag & Drop

  • Hover a content, a "move" cursor will appear and you'll be able to grab and move you content elsewhere.

Save your work

  • When you're done, you can click on "Close edition".

If you select content that is not yet published, you'll be prompt to publish your whole application.

Edit title

  • Hover the title and click on it

  • Modify your title

  • Tap "Enter" or click away from the title

Your title is now updated!

Last updated