🆕2024 Releases

July 9, 2024 - v131

New Features 🎉

Self-service PDF Report 📒

With the new self-service PDF Report feature, it has never been easier to create your own personalized PDF report! Any user can create their report in just a few clicks, and choose to share it or keep it as a personal report.

App builders can effortlessly design and share their PDF reports directly from staging mode, just as seamlessly as they do with other layouts (home, stories, dashboards):

Users with “Viewer” privilege can now create PDF reports directly from production mode. Non-technical users don't need to know how to handle data. They simply need to select visualizations already created by their App Builders. From there, they can freely create and edit their reports, comment on the data, and more. It's easy to create a PDF report, publish it with a single click, and share it with others with read or edit permissions.

More on this feature in our documentation.

Currently, this feature is in Beta Please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to activate it in your workspace.

Improvements 🆙

Date Range filters can now have “All time” preset by default

Bug Fixes 🐛

V131 Bug fixes

App: No mail was received using the scheduler


  • Barchart: tick format wasn’t adapting to current periodicity

  • Gantt chart: sentiment edition was broken

Dashboard: The order of the stories didn't match the order in the application,, when imported into a dashboard

Performance: Improved performance issues related to the execution context

Datasets: Datasets with variables couldn’t be saved as stored datasets

Datasources: extracting information from dates using "previous ISO week number" in BigQuery wasn’t working

User administration: Super Admin couldn’t see their email in the user list

June 24, 2024 - v130

Bug fixes 🐛

V130 Bug fixes


  • Significantly reducing the screen size of the homepage on desktop caused display issues.

  • Updating a video tile blocked the saving of the homepage.

  • Under certain conditions, it was not possible to save a story.

  • Flacky filtering interface when creating a story with a crossfilter.


  • Leaderboard Centered Average: overwriting an automatic average with a dynamic value from the dataset was not working

Youprep: user attributes where not displayed in Youprep steps' dropdowns when it came from a token with contributor privilege

Embed: The dashboard embed was not displaying correctly with view privileges in certain cases.

Big Query connector:

  • Conditional Column Creation: creating a conditional column on an existing date extract column in BigQuery resulted in two columns instead of one.

  • Dataset Creation: creating a dataset with a group by step and maintaining granularity with a MIN column resulted in nothing appearing.

Admin: instance settings file where not accessible

Embed: authentication with embed_token parameter was not working in certain conditions

June 10, 2024 - v129

New Features 🎉

“Hybrid Pipelines” are now Generally available!

We are excited to announce that “Hybrid pipelines” are now generally available by default for all after a successful testing period!

During the testing phase, “Hybrid pipelines” received overwhelmingly positive feedback, highlighting its ability to enhance user experience and improve workflow efficiency. You can try it out without any change if you’re connected to Snowflake, Google Big Query, AWS Redshift, AWS Athena, PostgreSQL. More on this feature here.

Bug fixes 🐛

V129 Bug fixes

We fixed:


  • Tablecharts couldn’t be edited after creation

  • Mapcharts markers' size wasn’t working

Filters: Fixed default values for date range filters were not working

Datasources: FTP datasources were wrongly considered as live datasources

Youprep: Fixed custom date formatting with %B not working as expected

May 21, 2024 - v128

New Features 🎁

Insights on query performance

We are excited to announce a new feature that enhances the visibility and troubleshooting capabilities for queries underlying charts and tiles. With this release, you can now inspect your query performance details directly within the chart and tile editor.

This is especially useful with the release of our new “Hybrid pipeline” feature (see more in 🎢 [Beta] Hybrid Pipeline), as Toucan smartly combines computation from your data source with its own query engine, making it more important to understand the performance breakdown.

Performance Diagnosis in Chart and Tiles

Our new performance entry provides a comprehensive view of YouPrep steps used by our Smart Editor to create the dataset used by your chart. This feature lets you quickly identify and analyze performance bottlenecks, ensuring optimal query performance.

Key Benefits:

  • Identify Slow Queries: Receive alerts when a query execution time exceeds a predefined threshold (e.g., 1 second), enabling you to promptly address performance issues.

  • Streamlined Troubleshooting: Quickly pinpoint and resolve performance bottlenecks by analyzing the execution time of each step within the hybrid query.

  • Detailed Step Breakdown: Expand individual operations to gain deeper insights into the translated query definition and other relevant details.

Getting Started

To access the new performance entry, simply navigate to the chart or tiles form where your hybrid queries are executed. You will see a dedicated section displaying the execution steps and their respective timings.

Improvements 🆙

Builder app navigation improvement

We have implemented UX improvements in the app navigation for builders:

  • It's now easier to return to the app store from staging mode with a dedicated button right in the staging bar. The headers of the configuration pages have also been improved for clearer navigation between sections.

  • You will see skeletons on the home page and stories so you'll have better feedback on page loading

  • The state of each tab is now saved so you'll find DataHub or Charts exactly how you left it before you switched

Better performance when designing an App

We're introducing performance boosts during the app-building experience, particularly when selecting a dataset to create a chart, exploring dataset information in the DataHub, or working with large datasets. How did we do it? We implemented a new approach to efficiently store and retrieve minimal dataset metadata alongside the dataset ID.

Font management dropdown

Now, selecting a font in the customization menu is easier, with the font name displayed in its own style, allowing you to preview and choose the right one!

Bug Fixes 🐛

We have also highly invested in quality for this new release along with new features. See the detailed list below

Bug Fixes of V128


  • Duplicating stories was impossible with specific configurations.

  • The dashboard creation button abnormally redirected to the app store if the application's URL had been modified.

  • Duplicating an app was impossible with a specific configuration.

  • The “view as” preview with a user that was part of a group wasn’t working.

  • Edit or create datasets from the storytelling menu without needing to refresh your screen, as the updated columns will be automatically reflected, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted storytelling experience.

  • The “Unsaved changes” message was sometimes displayed when no changes were made within a layout.

  • Tiles were sometimes highlighted for no reason.

  • The chapter was not editable in the case of a long chapter title.

  • The Home title was cropped under certain conditions.

  • During the loading of a tile, the templating in the title appeared for a few seconds.

  • The drag-and-drop function for rearranging stories was very slow.

  • The dataset ID was missing when updating a story.

  • Style changes in the narratives were not saved correctly.

My Favorite

  • A user with viewer or validator privilege was not able to create a My Favorite report.

  • Deleting a story imported in My Favorite report caused an error within My Favorite.


  • The bullet chart’s color option was missing the possibility of being aggregated while other metrics could.

  • Units and precisions were disappearing if you changed the chart’s type

  • Improve x-axis display of Linecharts, especially in the case with multi-lines.


  • It is now possible to use a filter based on a dataset that joins another dataset with the same datasource but different parameters

  • Filter values were flaky when switching to staging

  • The display of “null” values was broken. Now, they are filtered out from possible values.

Datahub: After a long session, the preview could load infinitely.


  • An issue was preventing the use of the method insertEmbedById with different embeds.

  • The ‘Annotate & share’ button didn’t work for an embedded story.

PDF report

  • The precision units were not properly adapted to the selected language in the application, in the case of scheduled PDF report delivery.

  • It was impossible to change the image size.

  • The text zones did not display correctly in the PDF report under certain conditions.

  • Style changes to the text were not saved correctly.

Analytics: When using a custom URL not all events are retrieved.

Admin: Adding an admin to a group was impossible.

Next release will be on June 10th

May 7th, 2024 - v127

New Features 🎁

📒 Multiple PDF report

It's never been easier to create PDF reports with Toucan!

Builders can now design a compilation of PDF reports within a single application, and provide tailored reports for different end-user groups or analytical perspectives.

No need to juggle multiple apps to get various PDF reports anymore. Builders now have an easier and more scalable solution, reducing maintenance and costs.

With this new feature, it's still possible to edit and download PDF reports, as well as send them via email manually or on a scheduled basis.

With an enhanced mobile experience, empower your end users to effortlessly view, download or send by email the PDF report they need, whenever they need it, just as easily from a computer as from a mobile device.

Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to activate this new feature.

Group Privileges 👫

We're excited to announce the reintroduction of Group Privileges in Toucan 3.0, a feature that was part of Toucan 2.0, after a thorough rework of our technical architecture to make it more robust and scalable. Group Privileges give you greater control over access and permissions within your organization. You can manage users' application access by creating specific groups with shared permissions.

Please note that we've changed the mechanism: now, the most permissive privilege between user privilege and group privilege will be applied. For more details, please refer to our documentation.

Improvements 🆙

🚀 Various performance improvements: we have implemented additional performance improvements on DataHub dataset display

📖Minor changes: We've begun implementing small changes to improve the builder experience and simplify onboarding in our product. Our first update: in the staging bar, we've replaced the word 'Storytelling' with 'Charts' to make it clear that this interface is the central point for creating charts in the Storytelling App and, more importantly, for other layouts (PDF Report, Datawall, Dashboard Builder, My Favorites).

Bug Fixes 🐛

V127 Bug fixes


  • The display of the Filter Panel on mobile wasn’t working.

  • Preview in iPad was breaking bar chart display

Charts: Heatmap couldn’t use dates as a label.

Embed: The filters' style was broken when several embeds were on the same page.

Next release is set for May 21st

April 15, 2024 - v126

Improvements 🆙

🎨 App Store redesign

We're pressing on with our product redesign, and in this release, we're introducing a fresh and sleek look to the app store. You'll immediately notice the new App Tile design, offering more space to showcase essential information in the most discoverable location for our users: latest edit, latest publish, and app ID copy. But that's not all— we've also revamped the app information editing, duplication, and deletion experiences to offer further guidance.

One more thing: you can now customize the order of apps by simply dragging and dropping them.

🎥 Changing filter types

Previously, you had to delete a filter to change its type, but now you can do so directly.

Note: be careful, as changing a filter directly referenced within a dataset may disrupt the related dataset pipeline.

🚀 Various performance improvements

The User Experience is closely tied to emotions. We're committed to continuously enhancing performance to ensure you experience a smooth and seamless analytics-building or reading experience, particularly with heavier apps. In this release, we've focused on improving the performance of different areas of our product. You may notice enhancements in DataHub loading times, particularly when loading datasets with significant dependencies, as well as improvements in filter loading times within your app. Stay tuned for more improvements to come soon!

Bug fixes 🐛

V126 Bug fixes

We fixed:


  • The app name is not displayed in the Home.

  • In a story, the tip randomly disappears when we click on it.

  • When a Home title is changed, it’s not always properly saved.

  • Some customized assets couldn’t be uploaded.

Permissions: back variables were wrongfully interpreted as front variables


  • Extra variables initialization wasn’t working

  • SendPDF report via the SDK

April 1, 2024 - v125

Improvements 🆙

🎨 Fresh Look for App Store & User Administration Headers

We've overhauled the headers in our App Store and User Administration to match Toucan's refreshed aesthetic. In your app store, you'll see that the search bar and app creation button are now positioned in a redesigned sticky header. The "admin area" button has been replaced by an icon, providing access to a new administration menu.

These updates mark the initial phase of a comprehensive redesign of the App Store, aimed at delivering a sleek, intuitive, and visually appealing experience. Stay tuned for more!

Bug fixes 🐛

V125 Bug fixes

We fixed:


  • Impossible to save a story containing a table chart with a column that has an invalid type

  • Impossible to save custom CSS after delete or copy/paste.


  • Barlinechart wasn’t working with dates

  • Mapchart: impossible to save without markers

  • Display of legends in preview

Filters: Filter checkbox was not taking into account nulls for live datasets

Send Home in embedded app: impossible to use the button without receiving an internal error.

Elastic Search Connector: Edit a query in ElasticSearch was causing the query to disappear

Hybrid Pipeline (beta): Filter on some stories or tiles was not possible in specific cases

March 18, 2024 - v124

Improvements 🆙

🗺️ Drill in your map chart with ease 🚀

We have made drill configuration with mapchart much easier! Simply fill the column including the level of hierarchy and we will manage the rest!

More in the documentation here

🦺 Safeguarded chart configuration

With the launch of Toucan 3.0, creating charts from raw datasets without data preparation is now incredibly simple, thanks to our automatic aggregation feature. Builders frequently utilize large datasets as inputs, which may inadvertently lead to feeding millions of rows into a chart during testing or due to misconfiguration, potentially causing browser crashes ❌.

To prevent such issues, we've implemented a display limit on charts as a safeguard. This provides users with a second chance to refine aggregations and filtering before encountering challenges in their building process.

🪣 Discontinuation of some connectors

We're discontinuing support for low-usage connectors to enhance the user experience and focus on the most utilized ones. As a result, the following connectors will be removed: Adobe Analytics, Anaplan, Facebook Ads, Facebook Insights, Google Adwords, Google My Business, Hubspot, Microstrategy, Linkedin ads, Net explorer, Toucan, Trello, Wootric

Bug fixes 🐛

V124 Bug fixes


  • Impossible to display an Image tile in a PDF report.

  • In a tile, when a ‘link to’ is created without any value, it’s impossible to save but there is no explicit error message provided.

  • Impossible to open the Filters Panel on mobile

  • Apps with the wrong URL in a custom font were broken


  • Tile line display on top of filter information overlay

  • Fix toast message whenever a filter is applied on a tile

  • Tablechart: search among all unique values is possible


  • Templating based on Hierarchical filters could break visual elements

  • Templating based on Date Range filters could lead to adding 1 day to the end date display

App advanced configuration: Preservation of Filters/Datasets Ensured Upon Removal of queries.json Configuration File

Google Big Query connector

  • Date_ADD Now Expects Integer After Interval, Not String

  • Connector can get columns at timestamp format

March 04, 2024 - v123

Bug fixes 🐛

V123 Bug fixes

We fixed:

Embed: Impossible to embed within Angular frameworks


  • When a story is duplicated and then moved to another chapter, the order of filters changes randomly.

  • The chart is cropped when sending a homepage containing a bullet chart.


  • Dropdown filters using dates were crashing

  • Not loading filters after switching to production mode without refreshing the web page

Charts: HKPI changes weren’t reflected after saving without refreshing the web page

Connectors: The credentials within the modal for connectors in Administration > Credential-admin would not open

February 19, 2024 - v122

New features 🎁

🎢 [Beta] Hybrid Pipeline

We're thrilled to announce the beta launch of our new "hybrid pipeline" feature!

So, what's it all about? When we introduced Toucan V3, we unveiled our "NativeSQL" translator designed for YouPrep, our no-code querying interface, simplifying light data preparation. While YouPrep generates SQL queries sent to databases through our NativeSQL translator, not all YouPrep operations were available.

To address this, we've enhanced YouPrep by making all operations available - including Join ! - within the same dataset (referred to as a "pipeline"), prioritizing NativeSQL wherever applicable.

To gain access to the beta, simply reach out to your Toucan CSM to activate it on your workspace!

💅 Font Management

*only available when the White Label is enabled

Most of you wanted this for a while! It’s now out!

For customers embedding Toucan in their software, Toucan must align seamlessly with your product's Design System/Guidelines, where the font plays a pivotal role in meeting those expectations. In the past, changing the fonts in a Toucan app required using Custom CSS and making educated guesses about class names used within Toucan – but that's now a thing of the past 🤠 ! We've revamped the process for a more streamlined experience.

We've curated the most commonly used fonts in modern software, but if you have a font that isn't on the list, no worries! You can add your font hosted on a CDN to perfectly align with your design.

All this effort is backed by a fresh and new customization interface, laying the groundwork for exciting customization options in the upcoming months. 👀

Improvements 🆙

🚀Interdependent Filters

Now, filters can interact with each other (please exercise caution to avoid infinite loops 😉). Additionally, we've revamped the highlighting feature to help you locate your filters more easily and ensure effortless maintenance of your apps!

🫡 Hierarchical Filter is now orderable!

The feature was missing on this last type of Filter! It’s now available for every level!

🥧 Circularchart is now sortable!

While the good practice is to still have it sorted in descending order, you can now reverse that and begin with the smallest arcs!

🚀 Datahub metadata display has been improved!

The performance of metadata display in the Datasets tab of Datahub has been significantly improved, especially for applications with numerous dependencies and usages.

Bug fixes🐛

V122 Bug fixes

We fixed:

Application: the loading of a story is too slow.

Charts: the stacked bar chart zoom option cannot be configured

Connectors: Elastic-search: a mandatory internal verification was failing for some specific configurations


  • Filter panel was sometimes hovering interfaces (like the “Customization” interface)

  • Filters weren’t displayed in web components embeds

February 5, 2024 - v121

New features 🎁

🎞️ Unlimited Filters

We've extensively revamped our Home, Stories, and Dashboard layouts to provide a unified experience for Filters. Now, they share a brand-new header that allows you to pin an unlimited number of filters to every layout. Additionally, a smart adaptive Filter Panel appears when there's not enough space to display them within the header!

We're introducing a new Filter Settings panel within the layout editors, providing a single and clear area to manage all your filters!

We trust that these improvements will make app maintenance easy and enjoyable for you!

Find more details in the documentation.

📺 Embedded Story now features in-header Filters!

Thanks to the enhancements made on Unlimited Filters, you can now embed a story complete with its header and pinned in-header filters! As an App Builder, this means you can embed designs tailored for extensive data exploration without depending on your web application's SDK tied to homemade filters.

Improvements 🆙

🖍️ Filter Creation

We've revamped the filter creation process to provide a clearer path for building them, preventing situations where incomplete filters could be created. The new form is more transparent, featuring an always-visible 'Create' button that is clickable only when mandatory options are filled in!

🚀 Filter performance

We've boosted the performance of filters configured with numerous unique values! Choices within a filter are now capped, and users are encouraged to use the search feature to explore additional values.

Additionally, we now load only the filters pinned to the current layout, significantly improving performance when entering an app with a large number of filters!

Bug fixes🐛

V121 Bug fixes

We fixed:


  • When a story is duplicated, the data templates are not adapted

  • A story with HKPI can't be duplicated properly

  • “Sum” wasn’t the default aggregation anymore


  • Changing a HKPI’s dataset can now be saved properly

  • Waterfall with drill bars' order was not following configured rules

  • Leaderboard can’t use dates as labels

Dashboard: Impossible to export CSV datasets from an embedded dashboard.


  • Edge usage of filters could lead them to disappear

  • Stable edition for the Date Filter

Datahub: Datahub does not load in some edge cases

January 22, 2024 - v120

New features 🎁

Date Format suggestions

Bye bye d3 time format scary synthax! 👋

As an App Builder, you can now enjoy a user-friendly suggestion interface to effortlessly format your dates in various configurations, especially within charts.

But here's the kicker—you still have the power to manually input more intricate date formats using the familiar d3-time format. It's the best of both worlds for seamless date customization!

Improvements 🆙

Checkbox filters

  • The “Select all” button only selects values that match current search terms!

  • End users can now select several values in a row and confirm their choice with a new “Apply” button! It will avoid several data calls for each value selected and improve the user experience!

  • There is a clearer icon to unpin filters to avoid confusion with the delete icon!

January 8, 2024 - v119

New features 🎁

PostgreSQL: Managing Materialized Views!

Materialized views are now fully supported in our PostgreSQL connector! Configure the connector to seamlessly list materialized views alongside traditional tables and views when making your selections.

Improvements 🆙

Harmonized Filter Creation Experience!

We've revamped the filter creation process to align more closely with chart creation, ensuring a consistent and intuitive user experience. Simply select your dataset, choose the relevant column, give your filter a user-friendly name, and voilà!

Bug fixes🐛

V119 Bug fixes

We fixed:

App management

  • It’s not possible to save a Home with a dynamic tile value.

  • It is not possible to use variables within the unit configuration

Alerts: The alerts don’t work if the related dataset is renamed.

PDF report: Some charts don't display well in the report

Last updated