
KPIs add an aggregated metric to a chart to provide a high-level view metric, a baseline, or any other extra information. It can be a numerical value or some text.

💡 Pro Tips

  • KPIs can also be linked to filters

  • KPIs can be used with a Crossfilter from the parent chart if they use the same dataset

  • You can drag & drop KPI to change the display order

You can add up to 3 HKPIs in one story. Consider using a dedicated visualization such as a scorecard to show more KPIs.


SectionOptionConfiguration tutorial

Dataset (mandatory)

Select the dataset used by the KPI

Value (mandatory)

Choose the column name containing the value to display

Text (optional)

Add a text to contextualize your KPI

Other options


Tick to be able to add context such as an additional value or an evolution

Other options

Badge - Value

Column name containing the badge value. Define its and linked symbol. Default to up/own arrow.

Other options

Badge - Text

Add a text to contextualize your badge

Other options

Icons choices

Pick an icon to highlight the related sentiment. Important: configure a sentiment before choosing an icon (Add units, precisions and sentiments)

Other options

Reverse display order

Toggle to display first the text and then the value

You can add units, precision, and sentiments. To know more about this watch here:Add units, precisions and sentiments

Last updated