Gantt chart

Purpose & Application

The Gantt chart is THE chart for project management. See a full timeline of your projects and identify major events in the blink of an eye 🤩.

Split projects into phases or compare to planned timelines to stay up to date with your ongoing tasks.

Key Features

  • Multi-mode configuration allows app builders to create different types of Gantt.

  • Events that allows to add milestones to your Gantt chart

  • Color coding makes it easy to identify if projects are on track or not.


*Mandatory parameters

SectionOptionConfiguration tutorial


Select the dataset used by the chart


Select the name of the column containing the labels (project name)

Start Date*

Select the column corresponding to the project starting date

End Date*

Select the column corresponding to the project ending date



Check the box Select the column that will be used for grouping (column that helps you identify your project stages or versions)



Check the box Select the column that will b used for packing

Enrich chart


Check the box Select the column containing the sentiment (will be displayed as colored dots)

Enrich chart


Check the box Setup the configuration in order to display your events (milestones) within the chart


View type

Check the box

Choose your display type:

  • Stages: breakdown your project in phases

  • Compared: compare 2 versions of the same project


Timeline display

Check the box Select the option in order to set how to display the timeline


Custom css class

Set a custom CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS

Last updated