👥Inviting guests

As an app administrator either at both the app store and application level, learn how to add and modify guest.


You can create guests who will receive a scheduled PDF report. At present, this is the only privilege that guests have.

To create guest, you have to be an admin and do it from the user interface.

On this page, you have the guests in rows and the apps of your instance as columns.

At the intersection, a pictogram indicates the guest access has been granted.

More than giving you an overview of your guests’ access, from this interface you can also:

  • Search the guests: just start typing the guest’s email

  • See the number of guests

  • Sort your guests

  • Hover on the guest name to get its creation date

Create guests

You can create guests from the Add a guest button at the top right side of your screen.

Create/edit a single guest


  • Username : the username must be an email address

  • User-group(s) : (Optional) assign one or multiple groups to your guest

Assign guest privilege

Once you have created your guest, click on continue to assign guest privilege to one or multiple apps

Edit guest

You can edit a guest’s privileges directly from the interface by clicking on the guest privilege icon in a given app column.

You can edit a guest’s information by selecting a guest from the list to activate the edition menu at the bottom right of your screen.

Create/edit multiple guests


This is what we call bulk creation 👥

Bulk creation/edition template

To create multiple guests, you need to drop a csv file that contains specific information.

A template file is available for download. This file contains all the required columns you need to fill:

  • username : the username must be an email address

  • user-group : (Optional) type in the name of the group, leave it empty if you don’t want to assign any group to your guest(s). There are by default 3 user-group column, but you can add more just make sure to update the number after user-group

  • All existing app on your store will have a dedicated column (small-app lovely-name), you just need to fill the guest privilege for each app.


If you want to delete some guests with a bulk upload, then add a delete columns and fill it with true or false

Once you’re done filling-up the template, you just have to drop it in the tile 🎉.

Request Access

A guest can request an access to Toucan Toco from the login screen.

All platform admins will receive an email requesting access.

If a guest is converted to a user, they will be automatically transformed as real user.

Request access emails can only be sent once a day to the same admin for the same user. Admins can unsubscribe from these notifications.

Last updated