Dynamic Host

If you're looking to connect to a different host to personalize your databases, tables, or filter values, you can easily do so! Just use the same syntax that you used for setting up dynamic filters, tables, or databases. It's a straightforward process, and you'll have your custom setup running in no time.

How to Implement:

  1. Create or select an existing connection

  2. Edit the value with following syntax in mind:

    { (user or {}).get('attributes', {}).get('value', 'default_value') }}

Consider the example below for incorporating a database attribute directly into your query

The example demonstrates how to dynamically select appropriate database.

{{ (user or {}).get('attributes', {}).get('host', '') }}
{{ (user or {}).get('attributes', {}).get('port', '11111') }}
{{ (user or {}).get('attributes', {}).get('user', 'enter_user_name') }}

This method leverages conditional logic to either use the host, port or user attribute or default to '','11111' and 'enter_user_name' if the attribute doesn't exist.

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