
Purpose & Application

Bubblecharts are generally used to compare and show the pattern and correlation between labels and categories, through positioning and proportions.

๐Ÿ“ For example, I want to compare my Business units across sales, margin and market share

Use the axis for the 2 most important metrics and the bubble size for the last one.

Key Features

  • Easy-to-configure zones make identifying best/worst performers easy without even reading the axis ๐Ÿ’ฏ.

  • Smooth drill functionality to get a deeper level of analysis without overloading the graph with too many bubbles

  • Colors to identify ensembles in the chart among the bubbles ๐ŸŽจ.


*Mandatory parameters

SectionOptionConfiguration tutorial


Select the dataset used by the chart

X axis*

Column containing x axis value

Y axis*

Column containing y axis value


Display legend

Toggle to activate legend display


Additional info

Add another column for more information on the legend


Default selected bubble

Choose the first, last or the name of the label


Display a color gradient legend

Toggle to display a color gradient legend


Modify gradient color

Enter the min and max color (HEX (โ€˜#โ€ฆโ€™) code)



The first bubble you see is the parent bubble.

Click on it to see itโ€™s children



Column containing parent or child level information



Column containing the name of the parent bubbles to group them


Levels order

Enter the value of the parent bubbles as the 1st entry and the level value of the child bubbles as 2nd entry

Colored Zone


Divide your bubble chart in 4 colored zones

Colored Zone

Quadrants - Configuration type

Select the configuration type for quadrant:

  • hardcoded: static position of the quadrant

  • dynamic: depending on values within the dataset

  • from decile: typing figures between 1 to 10 to automatically divide the chart

Colored Zone

Quadrants - X

Column containing x axis value

Colored Zone

Quadrants - Y

Column containing y axis value

Colored Zone

Color coding

Add a color coding in the zones Input Order (4 max): top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right

Colored Zone

Quadrant legend

Add a legend in the zones Input Order (4 max): top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right

Colored Zone


Divide your chart in 2 zonesDonโ€™t forget to add a color coding and a legend!

Colored Zone

Bisector X axis

Column containing x axis value

Colored Zone

Bisector Y axis

Column containing y axis value

Colored Zone

Bisector - Color coding

Add a color coding in the zones Input Order (2 max): top left & bottom right

Colored Zone

Bisector - Zones legend

Add a legend in the zones Input Order (2 max): top left & bottom right

Enrich Chart

Bubble size

Column containing bubble size value

Enrich Chart

Bubble color

Column containing bubble color value/category: it can be a number or a text

Enrich Chart


Add a line on top of your bubble chart to display an average, an objective of revenue...

Enrich Chart

Line - X axis

Column containing x axis value

Enrich Chart

Line - Y axis

Column containing y axis value


Display bubbles' values

Toggle to display the value on the bubbles


X axis scale

Use it to define the scale for the X axis: choose 2 bounds (if youโ€™re displaying %, use bounds between 0 and 100)


Y axis scale

Use it to define the scale for the Y axis: choose 2 bounds (if youโ€™re displaying %, use bounds between 0 and 100)


Bubble size scale

Use it to define the bubbles size scale: choose 2 bounds (if youโ€™re displaying %, use bounds between 0 and 100)


Overwrite default bubble's opacity


Recycle bubbles colors

Reuse bubbles color when chart data changes (filters or requesters).



Toggle to enable zoom


Overwrite the default min and max zoom of [1, 5]

Input a value from 1 to 5 to set a default zoom on the chart



Enter a proportion of the total screen (a number from 0 to 1)

Use on multiple charts only


Mobile size

Enter a proportion of the total mobile screen (Use on multiple charts only): enter a number from 0 to 1


Custom CSS class

Set a customm CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS



Enter an ID.

Change the ID to display the tutorial again.

All tutorials with the same ID will be displayed only once.



Enter your message. This will be displayed to your users


Always show this tutorial

By default the tutorial is shown once only

Last updated